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Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona • Page 4

Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona • Page 4

Arizona Republici
Phoenix, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN: THURSDAY MORNINGS FEBRUARY 9, 1899, ir. them r.n:l the mplinK-nti THE "NOW VULTURE! When Out of Sorts oj 1 XI A MO. DB 0 The $50- Cleveland AN ELEGANT STOCK OF LOOSE AND MOUNTED STONES Here. It's a Winner. Is Call and see it.

GEO. H. COOK Jewelers, PIRST DOOR WEST OP POSTOPPICC. PINNEY ROBINSON, Bicycles, Typewriters, Photo Stock and Sporting Goods Aii N. Center Street, Phoenix.

Established IS5j. MERCHANT, PKOTIUCT YOU-BSOSLT)1 by buying your Groceries from .1 house that docs a strictly. Wholesale Business. No goods at retail. Prices cannot be duplicated by any house in Ariiona, taking the line throughout.

We have the Largest Stock in Arizona, and buy everything from first hands. The Barkiey Brothers' Mercantile Company, 116-118 WEST ADAMS STREET. KOll cook sUivb, will sell now for $10. Also two M-gallon range boilers, now, regular price fur uale at each. Call at 10 N.

Center street, 'between 0 anil II n. m. 1 WE HAVE fPRUNING SMEVRS, SWS, i Mil fVJCT LONC TREE PRUMERS AMD EXTRAS. W. Talbot IIubbard.

Oldest Mine in Arizono Aflfiin One or the Ricltcsl. III Call Days or Ilic Territory Tills Trcnsuc Store Produced ooniou Present Company Development Opens New Riches. The famous Vulture 111 Inc. which marked the to nuaru mining devel-j cpiiiMit In this territory, and hiKtory has beta the remarkable of any mine In the southwest, Ins come Into prominence in the v.orbl Hlk" liieh er.idi use in vr-il incline slial: al ihe old Not only in ilnv. of ihe ii.ipi rich ore 1 ii.auan-ii'.l III ihe di wlib been rami on iiuieily hi Ihe New Vnlliiiii- but re-rent reliable- li'oin Unit catup show ll'nt I lie worl: wlilih lias bven tiiine on virgin ground proved very successful.

One of these now Hhafta has produced high grade ore from generous ore body which Is valued nt a tan, and the new shaft whhh hji, been sunk' 1,000 feci east, of the iwst Incline shaft in new ground tn ti vertical depth of 212 feet bits encountered a rich ere bedy, A eioas-ctu made nt tho lowest depth or this shaft 1 11113 twenty-seven feel through solid cm is said to be even richer than any the old workings produced in ilie palmy days of the mine. The New Vultuio company took hold of this property less than two years ago, 1.111I since thai lime their efforts have been directed ii'iwards ascertaining tho cxtohl of ihe ore bodies, the development, of water in the mill df-pths for milling purposes, mid virgin ground owned by lliem in proximity to Hie workings. The company has operated uiiieily, inn different limes rep.irlx have Phoenix of the micci-ss uf tile new owners of Hie ll has been learned by The nepulili.ian upon reliable authority that active will be begun at an early date lo place the Villi me among Ihe lint cf gold producers of Arizona, since tho com-puny is new fully satisfied thai thn mine has a long life before II. Hundreds of thousands of tons of rich ore lire revealed, and the company feels wairanted in thoroughly equipping the mine fnr extenslvo operations. The cuulpmcnt 'will embrace new mill of fifty stamps, which will take the place of the old elglity-slamp mill 11 aw on Ihe property, a pumping plunt and pipe line, together with an electrical power anil transmls don plant whWi will be placed 011 the Ilassay.miiu river from which tho water will be seen red for the ramp.

Mr. Joe C. Me-Kee, inanaf.ei' of the New Vulture Mining company, is now In Chicago arranging tl.cre Which will require an imnm.l'iite expenditure hy the onnir.any. 1 Hnlr.g Ihe early operations of tho Vulture thousands of tons of neeumulaicd. The llrst milling war, done at 'Smith's mlllr, on the llnssny-iimpa river, and llieso tailings wero recently cleaned up hy Malcolm of Denver, who.

It l.i claimed, look out of Ihe dump. The was afterward nt a point a nillo above Wli-ktnburg, whore great bods of tailings were deposited. This trump was by Mr. Harvey Helm, who Is al. the present time en-guged in extracting tho gold values by cynniding.

Later Ihe clghty-stanm mill was erected at tho mine nnd tho tailings wero allowed to wash down 11 when wore slepnod some yearn ago attention was directed to ihe Immense values eon. tallied in tho great waste of tailings which stretched for tiver nillo 'and tilled the rnvlno often at a depth of thirty feet. The New Vulture company placed a cyanide S'laut on the piopcrty and used the wntor from tho mine to operate it, being compelled thrninh this sacrifice lo shut down the milling opeiall'ins which hail been begun. Tho plnnt has been In successful operation for over 11 year. It Is conveniently nrrangjil.

so that the work can be done with the minimum of expense, nnd the profits from these operations have boon very large. The Immcnso quantity of t.illlass 'will keep the present plai.l of the company In operation for many years. Probably no mine 111 mo southwest mmmmmmmmmmmM WKf.lJW.'AWaESi!lili WHEN YOU There is a better article on the market than your customer asks for, ft is your privilege nay, it is your duty to call their attention toTliat article. They are your customers and they expect such fair treatment, just as you do when you do go to the jeweler or to your doctor. You expect their experience to aid you in getting the best for your money, not to give you some out-of-date goods simply because you asked for their We have had years of experience here among you people an we arc willing to assist you at all times.

P.rry V.ll. 'll 'I I 'ill ami .,11,. 11:1. Willi cji II ii i h. l'i.

i p.H'.elain u.e.l Ml l.i WARM DAYS lltRC AGAIN The Cold Produduo High Pressure lias Departed for Hie Allonllc. The urea of high ilTK ir lll'oilltrl'tl till' IMllll Wall lint (In- HtiuHiwi'sl for dais took Its departure tortile east Tuesday night nnd as result Phoenix nnd all' Arizona' will have no moie cold weather this season. Yesterday morning wns nearly live degree i wanner than Tuesday morning and the frost wan nut severe ouiunh lo do nay All Hie poiuln In the show an tin ic.rt!;e in iem, one eau hy reiv-rt'ii lo Ihe ii.orl: iiiilrlislie.l In aiioiher l-1 1 In i. Iiehver, wbirii hhowcil a lem-I'lTlilllle ol' i. below z-'I'ii Tucdny mnriiiiiH icglstoiol two aliore Wedni'sday nioriiiiih'.

Yesterday wns a much milder day In I'hoenlx than Ihe two pivreoiltng, Ihe maximum temperature at three o'clock yesterday afternoon being 57 degrees, eight degrees warmer tlun Tuesday nnd eleven warmer thun Monday. He- I side that the cold wind from the north linti given way to a warm 11:02:0 110:11 the southwest and tho air was exceedingly dry nnd light, tho relative humidity Ileitis but IS per cent: lower than recorded at any other stntlan in tho United States. 'JtiRt the kind of dry, warm air for Invalids. I Today will he still waimor and 'those from the east who enjoy I warm sunshine may congratulate themselves that they are not enst of the Mississippi river. That high pres-jsure Is hitting Hie people of that auction of the country hard today.

Yesterday It had leached the middle wrnt jand by today will be In lull 11 ltd effect alnng Hie Atlantic nasi, As a contrast of weather conditions II Is well lo call intention lo 111" fai while yesterday wan 110 warm nnd 1 sunshiny In Phoenix, residents of Paul were fighting for warmth icmpernlure of degrees lielow zero, Chicago was having a tussle with 12 below and SI." showed II l.eiow. You growler at conditions In think of what you left behind nnd be thankful you have been permlll lo winter in this suu-klssod land. AN INTERIOR STATE Which Purnlslics the Pacific Willi Bio Craft. A recent arrival In tho city is E.

Vincent of Saginaw, Mich. Ho Is accompanied by bin wife who Is sorting health. They planned lo spend ueveral months, in tho valley which It la their Intention to leave lor Japan. Mr. Vincent Is one of tho stockholders lu the- Arthur l-llll limited, which is extensively engaged In lumber business about the Groat Lakes.

Mr. Vincent gave an intci'istlng account of several well known trade vessels, at present plying in Pneltlc waters. iie says: "It way s-urprUiO bomu persons to know that micli vessels us Hie 'Kenenaw' and were built nnd Inunched In Hie Lake suite. They were not Intended for Ihe Pacllle oroan, but the date of Ihelr completion was dolnyal eoveral months and oircumstniccs rendered It moro prolltable to use tho.ii uomewlioie else. "Vo built the boats In Snglnaw from purely American material with heavy uteel bottoms.

Tho canals' in Hint locality leading to Hie sen will ll'H admit vessel of much 111010 than 2IIJ foot keel, and ns each of our boats measured over S00 feet It wan necessary 10 separate them In the eeutor, or rather leave tho center plates disunited. Tho halves' we. 0 taken through the different wateiu. under their own steam until they bud passed through the Welland canal. At Montreal ihey were dry-docked and lilted for an ocean voyage.

"Aa I mentioned hoforo more tinu was consumed in the construction cf these vessels Hum tho contract permitted, and finding no profitable engagement for them on the Atl.intie coast, wo turned their prows southward for tho purpose of circling the Horn. Rough waters forced 110 'o take tho Magellan straitft, whoro water does not at. all times sound deep onougli for a but the inttani Is uni-forni'und sandy nnd Is not likely (: In-jui'o craft, should it run Tho lent saved us several hundred miles "and wo evaded tho usual stormy sen around tho Horn. "Tho trln mild Us cxpoiisM, an Hie ships, bud been laden with merchunillso nnti waiuisieu won iiiiiuiioiiiiniu So Iivilhl3 manner tin almost largo sea craft for tho Piit-inc. coast.

It Is thsref Ji'0 ovlil nt tlmt the-construction of the lsthmv.11 cniial would bring with It gieat bono fits to tho Atlantic end Itiko-slinra sulp-bullding Industry. "Wo havo sent two other sliipa cn a similar voyagn the 'L-jlenuw' and the which were or KngMsh bottom. By special act of wv had them repnlred in Michigan dry dock, nnd another act us to Americanize tho These vossela nro now plying between Scnttlo nnd San Francisco na American vessels." IJEI3F EXONERATED. And Miles Roasted by tho War Investigating Washington, Feb, S. The war Investigating committee convoil Its labors and tho report will be in the hands of the presldont loninrrow, Thn report la a voluminous publication of UiO printed pages, Tho roport makes nn Important of tho boof ls3iio end dlsmlsst-3 as a general proposition tho.

chargos acalnBt the beof furnished tho army. Tho roport says thero win a of ovldonco to offset General Miles" testimony. Miles Is given bcvoio criticism. Alger is commended. Tho committee Is unanimous on the report.

I I i i I Ho Takes Hood's Sarr.aparilla and ItSetu Him Right- Wliolo System Gtronuthenod by This Medlclno. I was in such condition that whenever 1 took a lllllocold It would fit I In on nml lungs. 1 w.n troubled In i this way lorscvcrai years-. I tried many I K. litis oi moiiiciiK' inn om ii'u cci relief, ninl fieeiurr Hood's nil vcrtiscd 1 thought I woi.ld try it.

I tool: about four bottles of tlii.i i began lo Improve nflcr Ilie llrsl bottle. When I had lliiishcd tho fourth, 1 wan entirely relieved. 1 have kept Hood's on hand sincu that time as a family medicine, and whenever I feel out of aorta 1 resort to It nnd lu a short time It fctfl mo riitht." V. II. 0011s, S.

West Temple, Malt 1-nkeOtv, t'tnh. N. It. If yuu lo Hood's Har-snparllla, do nut iuiliiei.d tu buy any fiuijstitulu. He nun- lu t't I i-'Oly Satsa-parilla OOO Tin-1 Mi" Tree I.I.

mil I'urilier. Allilliimhu. six 1 ('. I. I II.

Hood's Pills 111, 1 1 -in "-I ur Alt centJ, TO MILLIONS. Kalians City, Feb. S. At the home of the bible's parents in this city at niion today, Maude L. Fritz, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. John Fritz, and James 1... Flood of San Fiunclseti. son of the lr.te Jamc.i Flood, the bonanza king. ere united In mar.

iage. Among the presents was a diamond necklace sent by Mian Jennie Flood, sister of the groom. Kentucky Horses in LIVERY at CLUB STABLES Center north of Hotel Adams. Telophono 2S3. Itiillsls: T.

Pepiier. S. A. Meirilt, V. S.

Todd, K. V. Iionne nnd .1. II. Phillips.

Phoenix Is named as the principal place of business nnd II Is also staled Hint the pilncipnl business will he transacted nt Lou Angdes, pa Is'cTi oo i Eight Hundred Children Rushed From Building None Hurt, Fort Scott, Feb. S. Shortly before the scholars of tho Central school bore were dismissed, evening, the plastering fell from the Ing of one of the moms 011 the second floor and a minute Inter the SM pnpi's of the bullillng wore In the halls Btrng-j gllng to reach tho doors and exlls. During the scare sonio-0110 eiicil "Mrs. The teachers wore powerless to stop tbo stampede and In two minutes from the first crash the building hail been emptied.

Vol ,1 mini! Oiiel 1-lou' nil capeu injury 111 1110 ircuzicn innu uni rushed down the stairs from tho dif ferent lleiors Is a mystery. It is sup tho fulling of tho piaster. MURDERESS DOOM.KD TO DIE, Governor Roosevelt RefitBUR to Grant Clemency to Mrs. Plao. Albany.

Feb. S. Governor Roosevelt has deeided Hint lie will not Inlerpnio olliclal clemency between Mrs. Martha PInco and Ilie electric cliiilr, In which' she hns been sentenced to die for tho murder of her In Brooklyn. He announced that any attempt to enlist his sympathies in behalf of the mnrdciess iwcnld bo utterly useless, since ho sympathized with those upon whom the wrong foil, not upon the one who wrealiod tho wrong.

Mrs. PInco will bo electrocuted during week beginning February 10. THE IROQUOIS A'l Honolulu, Fob. 1. Sju Francisco, Feb.

Ths steamship Iroquois, formerly tho tug Fearless, arrived on January 2S, about eight days from Sun Francisco. INSURANCE TAXATION. Interesting Question Reinrellns Mutual Companies. Washington. Feb.

Interesting i question arising under the war rovenuu act Is now before tho attorney general with, reference to' tho taxation of njii: tual Insurance It Ib well known that congress had In mind the exemption of benevolent ardors of the Masonic type, Iii which Insurance Is given on the mutual plan, but that It dltl not Intend to oswnd Hie exemption 1 TEMPLE IS GIVEN IIP Ex-Sheriff Leather wood or His Way With Him. Serious Trouble Between the United States and Mexico Avertee but the Principle Which Threatened It Is Undisturbed. Thn James Temple Incident In whlei: lliu Arizona and Honora au'thorlllti-. ami Washington and the City of Mcx-leo have boon very, much concerned I'm the last. lour months Ik ended.

Governor Murphy yesterday received telegram from ox-Sheriff Louihor-vood at Gunymus Haying llinl Temple had surrendered to lilm mid thin lie would leave wi'th lilm al once fin Tucson. The easo was much more serious llimi It seemed to be, for it raised a question between the two pcncoftil aottloment of which seemed prmslblo only by the melting down ul one or tho other. Much moro than the were person of Temple na an American citizen was Involved. Tho aettlomoul hi unsatisfactory, for tbo main quos-tlnn of tho right of tho 'Mexican government to exorcise Jurisdiction nr.dci certain eircuniBtanees In cases arising on American soil Is still an opinion. Tho easo was briefly as follows: iTomple, an employe of the Sonora rallrond, shot nnd killed a at NognloH on this aide of the line.

Soon lifter that In tho course of his duties hn crossed tho line when he was arrested on a trivial charge. The Mexican authorities announced thai they were going to try lilm for the killing of the Mexican, notwithstanding ll occurred In Arizona. It was mil even sliownl that Temple's vlcllm was a citizen or Mexico, It was contended that though ho was burn In Mexico ho liiul become naturalized under 'the pro- We Never Sleep when it comes to business. AlwayB busy, but room for a few more CASH customers who want to make money buying grocorloa. have counted fifty now customers this month who arc tired of being tied up to high priced grocers, who aro doing credit business and charging up bad accounts to good custonieiB, You can't, fool them all the lime; thoy nro catching on.

15c Per doz. Fresh Ranch Eggs. 25c 1 pound Our Lender Mocha and Java Coffee a corker. I3c pound Special blond Coffee, nouo bol-, for tho monoy. 50c 3 cans Englo Milk.

10c 1 Per pound Little Gem Hams, Kansas City eurod. 25c 10 'pounds Fresh Corn Moal, 5c 1 can good Sardines. McKEE'S CASH STORE Tho Originators of Low Prices In Gro ceries. SOUTH PIRST AVENUE, Pemberton block, opposite court houso. WSJ Tho Host VoupU" iii l'liooiitx Tiiko fwS Their Jfi LUNCHEON 1 BAKERY LUNCH ROOMS I Aro right- Try iv.i nurvfl.

Yd Will IlkU It. 1 DINING ROOMot LADIES, of the last treaty regarding he cession cf teu'llory. An atlenipt having boon made iv the local aiitlioritleii to get cf Temple the muter was laid 'before the state de-iiirtniont the principal thing le.slrcd seemed to be tn prevent the Mexican government from trying to exorcise LIiq jurisdiction which this vountry had denied. Negotiations were begun with tho of Mexico. They apparently progressed so satisfactorily that the mate department believed ilie affair wan ended for the actual surrender iif Ihe pilsoaer.

II was especially desirable avoid any possible cnniidlcatinii that mlglil arise liy reason of Ihe termination ul' Ilie exlrailillim treaty. An order was received hero from 'the president for the p'issesslim of Temple under regular extradition proceedings. The requisition was put Into tho lunula of l.eatlierwoiid, whose teiin liad not then expired, and he went to Mexico as the agent of the United Mtules. He encountered a variety of arising from the must trivial causes. iFor Instance, some of the pr.p.M's referred to Temple as whereas Ihe state department and tho president's order dlgnllled him by Then a correspondence ensued between tho sheriff and Am-hassador Cluyton.

In the mcuntlmo-thc sheriff was no longer sheriff. He ro-ttirneff to Tucson, lint shortly returned to Mexico as the iwnt of this government, believing that all obstacles had been removed. Ho went lo Mngdalonn, where Temple had been taken for safe keeping soon after hlr, The. prisoner was Hi mi taken tci Hoi'liioslllo for some purpose which has never been explained, and at lasl to OuayniaH where he was to lie tried hoforo a federal Judge, a formality un derstood ito Immmllately precede bis surrender. A lion I.

the middle of Leatherwood telegraphed that the trial would commence nt onee ana he bc'fn possession of Temple by January 21. Tan treaty would expire ilmt nljiht nt midnight. 'Since I hen moling dellnite was beard of ellhei' the ex-sliorllT or Temple null! veiitej-day. Tho trial which was to 'begin almost moiilli ago and was understood to bo mere formality presumably just been concluded. 'What elToct the expiration of the extradition treaty would havo on tho ease was not undersnad here.

It was cortuln, though, tint Temple would not avail himself of It, Tor perhaps In all criminal history there was never a man so anxious to waive his rights and return to the place of crime. THE CHINESE NEWi YEAR Phoenix Celestials Will Ueflin the Celebration Tutfay. Tho rod triangular Chinese Hag Heated In Trent of the joss house on South Second street yesterday or hung lazily from the lliigstatf. That ling Is a slgu that the Chinese New Year will begin today, II will end when tho cel-obrnnta run out of wind and feel resuming work. No good Chinaman who Uikoil pride In IiIb quouo will work on Nev Years.

The New Ycais docs not begin on any llxed dny of the month, but on the liay or the now tiiioun In February, which this your 'tails 011 FeU'iiary Tho calendar Iii calculated lor thrbo yoars at a time liy 11 baard of learned astronomers at l'ckln. Then calendars embracing about 200 pages, containing tho calendnr proper rar three years, 11 forecast of the weather, much personal mention uf the emperor mid a great deal of good advice aro sent to tile heads of Chinese organizations all over the world. A one page calendar cuntainlng all the necessary Information about dates and the weather, in succinct form, Is jont out for general distribution. Tho Chinese your, unlike tho Now Year of Christendom which awkwardly hosln.i In mlO.vlulrr, commences nt a timo when nature begins to renew l.ti.aelf. Tho Chinese month sensibly begins with tho new moon nnd ends with Hint moon.

It cm therefore bo no longer than thirty dnvB, nor shorter than twenty-nine Wvury third year Is a leap year anil thlrtcon months. Wiillo Christians need not udopt tho Chinese 'calendar, thoy would do well to Imitate one Chinese New Year Every Chinaman In Phoenix In good standing will owo no man today. It litis boon bred In him to pay his debts and thoprnetlcos of his country, men do not. permit lilm to forgot tho e-roedlng. If he fall to do so he i.vill hn blacklisted and his credit will bo gone It cannot bo restored by tho payment of them tomorrow.

Today Is tho day. Tbo'Chlncso have also custom or -making' New Year culls; that 'Is, tho men call upon each other, but never upon the women. This is not so widely from 11 part of the American custom. Men call upon othei: men who 'own Baloous or work KNOW" HIE RELIABLE DRUGGIS OPERA HOUSE PHARMACY yearn. Hn was limn a slave In! Virginia and claimed to have been -well acquainted with George Washington.

After Hie de.ilh of his niimter he bora 1110 thn property of General Stone-wnll Jncksnn, iflor the war Edwards came to this county and until he was pin years old earned his living as a laborer. HOSTON'S HIG Nearly Covers' Will Ho Laid at Homo Market Club Dinner. llouton, it. Col. Albert Clarke, secretary of the Homo club, will tomorrow commence seuillng tick-em for tho McKlnley banquet on February Hi, which In slzo and interest will bo a record breaker.

There will bo I.OH iioats lit tbo banquet tables, and up to diitu applications for these Beats have exeeoded Near these seats thero will bo seats for 1100 more, iwho will not havo the privileges of partak- lug of tho bauquol. In thn llrst bal cony there will bu 1,000 seats provided and In the neciind balcony thero will bo standing room for 2,000 people, and Is now evident Hint twice iih many would like tickets. Joseph W. Ponhody will be chief marshal of tho dinner, He will islsted by fifty aides. There will tie 1 1 'Hhl ie uBslsinnts supo imn- dent and thirty boys to check clothes, H() r'.

oini-Uo hovh tlint thlK 'TQ ever conn? nex T0. Illvl 1,01,1 1XW im f- f(. Ills slay In Boston, lln will arrive In this city 111 0 a. in, nnd will leave the following evening. He will be met at tho state lino by representatives of the governor and of tho Homo -M trket club.

THE OLDEST POSTMASTER. Roswell Boardsley of North Lansing, N. lias Been In Service 71 Yoar.1. Washington, Fob, 8. New York state has the honor of having the oldest poBtmastor In tho employ of I ho postal service.

Ho is Roswpll lieiuds-ley of North LnnHln'g. TompkinB county, and him boon In tho service or the poBtofllco nt that place slneo Juno IS, 1828. When ho was appointed postmaster tho office had beon lu oxlnleuro about two 'years, having boon -established April 0, 1820, Joseph Bishop an poB.tmaster, Mr. Maurdslev is regarded as a model postmustor by tho department ofllclnlB, and during bin long torm of sevonty-ono years there haa never been a complaint oguliiBt his administration of the affairs of tho nince. Tho postmaster gwieral received a letter rrorn llils aged postmaster a short while ago, in which ho'sald that.

ho. Btlli cnioyd good health and was able to po.sin-any wrltd all his roportti and attend the office, which pays a salary or 117.1 per annum, hns attracted more general attention UlU tlln "cnld wenthoi-and Is more closely watched by iig accountable tar men than the Vulture. 1111 1 u. np rrrr V7. HI lWILIl to uny of the greater and richer organizations.

Yetjmiler I In; literal terms of Ihe law ll -leeins as If there were 110 dittlnetlnn to be drawn between a giant corporation like the New York Mutual Life Insurance company, and iionie small nlValr like Ihe Knight of the Order of Aheduego. Tho treasury department 'has been in 11 quandnry, 1 out which It has lemporurily freed Itself only by turning over the uvholo matter to tho department of justice In the hope I hat Ihe attorney general may discover some distinction from Urn guilt hen! ios and the small onds which will enable the treasury to exempt tho latter and tax tho farinor The attorney general has It it. I tho question be- .1 sr(, nMhiZyZ seluo a similar question lonelios Ihe tuxa- nan 01 mutual lire insurance com Panics, since these, like mtiluiil life In stirnnco companies or orders, are or ganlzed and csnductod by the members llieiejof for their own protection nnd not for profit. A CHIPPEWA INDIAN'S PLEA. 'Abolish Commission Which Takes Of Our Money Every Day." Washington, Fob.

8. Thn Rnv. Geoi'Eo Wright, 11 full-liloodcd cum- a. native IttiiguiiBo nddreuBcd the houso cummlttco on ludlnn nffnlis today, lie' 1 eei'h I ale lln 1 tcW. foimlhumdlancos" last" want congress to cut shoit the ex-.

Istencc of the I'oiiiinlsBion now sitting nmeing ibein for Hie purpose or allot-j lug binds In severalty and to have the soldiers now stationed nt heir agency ordered away. Mr. Wright's speech was Interpreted to the committee. Fciiionio after isjii-tenco, by Mr. (lilflllnn, a missionary to the ChlppowiiB.

who lias been among them for many years nnd who speaks their Innguuge perfectly. He said: men, we come to you bccnine you nro tbo suurcu of all power, You have a commission sitting among us, who take $11! of our money, and every evening When night falls S13 are dead. Abolish that commission and every evening will be mndo-nllvo-to us. Wo do not want to bo shorn of nil our substnnce, and left sitting naked on thn snndHof tho Inko In view of tho fact tliul tho end of congress la so near at hand and tho further fact tlint It Is tho opinion of Land Commissioner Hermann and Indian Commissioner Jones that tho allotment will be completed within tho present fiscal yoar, the commutes will 110 mM W- DIES AT; AGE OF 112 YEARS. Former Blnvo of Stonewall Jackson Expires lira Mnncoulah, 111..

Feb. 8. James Edwards, colored, died n't tho St. Clair county r-porhouso yesterday, ascd 112 I I It nvin who lu f.millini' Willi till! tirHperl.V believes that ItB Irrature viuiltshave not begun to reveal their richness, tlint Its oro bodies have but Jast been ucratched upon their crust, and even with $111,000,000 to the credit of Hio Vulture on tho great ledger Hie will's gold production, tills mlao has but entered upon lis career as a producer of the yellow tr.e'al. TWO CORPORATIONS.

Why Phoenix is Selected as Headquarters for One. the Articles of lucbipnrniioiiiof Hie Koy-nold Electric Street t'ltanlnj Car company wero llled In the olllcj cf the county recorder yesterday. The object of Incorporation Is to acquire paieuts for and manufacture Btieet cleaning devices. The Incorporators are: Jackson Reynolds, Kendall Hunt, and Edward L. of Has-, ton, nnd Joseph Real! of No.v Ycrie.

The Incorporators evidently' moan business, since the company Is capitalized nt only $30,00.1 and nhnres have been placed in $100. Phoenix Is named ns the principal l'lnc0 ot bnsl" necs. An nstule member of tho company him probably been lino n. one tlmo or another and Judjed from the condition of tho ctroeti that the town was white with ilpeiicsi for tho street cleaner. Another moro pretentious organization Incorpornl.

i vestcrdny wan thi Internntloutil CroiieiMtive Mining company with a' capital of MM 0:0 dlvidod Into one million shares of 10 cents each, which brlngB tlum within the reach of the humblest cltizm. Thi Incorporators are Lo.i Ansel-J C-P-.

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